Divorce rates are increasing for couples in long-term marriages. Known as a “gray divorce,” these couples have issues unique to the length of their marriage as well as their age.

Gray divorces are much more complex than the divorce of a couple married for a shorter time: special issues like retirement, home equity, and possible ailing health of the parties can complicate the divorce process significantly.

As the rate of gray divorces continues to climb, so does the number of couples who choose divorce mediation over traditional divorce litigation.

While divorce mediation is a smart choice for all couples regardless of their ages or length of marriage, the advantages in a gray divorce are especially compelling. Whether to save time and money, reduce the stress of divorce, or preserve their relationship post-divorce, divorce mediation allows couples to reach a fair and equitable agreement that works for both parties.

Divorce mediation saves time and money

Most gray divorce couples are between 50 and 60 years old and either retiring or nearing the end of their career. Once regular salaries are replaced with Social Security and retirement funds, couples may find themselves with limited financial means. Since the divorce mediation process is faster than traditional litigation, it is also significantly less expensive thus being ideal for mature clients who want to save as much money on their divorce as possible.

Divorce mediation reduces stress

Whether it’s caring for aging parents, a child’s college tuition, or your own medical issues, life in your 50s and beyond can be extremely stressful. Going head-to-head in a combative courtroom divorce is going to increase the already significant amount of stress in your life. By choosing divorce mediation, you are saving yourself the stress of a costly divorce that may drag on for years.

Divorce mediation helps to preserve post-divorce relationships

If you and your spouse have been married for 20 years or more, preserving your relationship after the divorce is often important. Couples who choose divorce mediation over traditional divorce litigation have a better chance of preserving their relationship due in large part because traditional litigation is adversarial, while divorce mediation is much less contentious.

Trust your gray divorce to an experienced New York divorce mediator

For more information on how the Law Offices of Stacy Sabatini, Esq. can help with your divorce mediation, please email our office online or call 845-243-0295. Our New City, New York office proudly represents families in Rockland, Orange and Westchester counties.